Today's big adventure saw us taking the trip down to Sapporo, one of Japan's big 'semi-capital' cities, to see what all the fuss was about. Initial plans the night before had us getting up by 12 so we could catch the train fairly early whilst still giving us enough time to sleep. Things didn't quite turn out as good as we'd planned, but at least things still happened.
So at 2 (...) we left for the station. Ride there was unseemly and not worth talking about, save to mention being able to hear the infuriating sound of someone snorning, but not being able to see where they were, giving the whole thing a rather creepy feel to it.
Sapporo is very different to Otaru, we could see that as soon as we arrived. Sure there's snow, and sure it's a lot more snow than we're used to back in Britain. But be it the meticulous cleaning of the big city, or the presence of concrete, or whatever, there simply was not a great deal of snow actually on the ground. It was still cold, mind.
AND there was definitely enough snow for the city to become Yuki Matsuri HQ, which was the main reason we were there.
So, quick lunch at Freshness Burger (something tells me we'll be returning) and it was off to see the ice sculptures. I don't know what it is, but sculptures made of ice are just not as impressive as those made of snow. I think it's because ice looks like glass, so I get suspicious that it wasn't quite as difficult as it perhaps should have been. Regardless, I was not as enthused by the big ice fish and people as much as I was by the little stick men and their snowy houses back in Otaru.
However, there was one sculpture that turned the whole thing around for me:
Wherever I go I am blown away by Japan's fascination with Gundam. It is no exaggeration to say that I have caught something of their contagious enthusiasm, and this sculpture was a real blessing on my robot-addled mind. I am told in certain authority that there is something else I really need to see but didn't have time to, and shall update you on that when next we speak. What this sculpture also did was give me the name 'Gundam Bar Jaburo', which was enough to get me all giddy with excitement. Found out just now, though, that Jaburo is in Yokohama. Then again, so is another Pokemon Center, so maybe a trip out there would be worth it at some point.
Next was a trip on a ferris wheel, something of a big-city tradition.
And moving swiftly on, as we're due to head to the aquarium soon and both Blogger and Windows Movie Maker are being a real pain*, we saw some snow sculptures. Be aware, one of these photos is sickeningly sweet and may turn your stomach.
Then there was sushi and a train ride home, along with a promise to return some other time to finish off the sights. Not much else to mention. Team Korea had adventures in the snow, but that's a story for another time.
Today, as I said, we're off to the aquarium first, followed by Sapporo, whilst Ben and Angela go skiing.
Apologies if these reports are a little more brief than usual. You'll just have to ask me in person, eh?
Right, breakfast.
Thanks for reading.
*I'll stick the videos up seperately later on, I haven't the time just now.
Aaah a few folks from over yonder are off to snowier climbs too! Je suis very urayamashii. Can't wait to see more photos/videos, Hokkaido looks goigeous - cheers for sharing!